
Saturday, 14 September 2013

Digipack Mock Up

These are the six panels starting from the top with the front cover, back cover, outside flap, inside panel, CD holder and the end inside panel. This design is one which I have improved since the first mock up below (in coloured pen). The reason for this change is because of the new magazine advert design  which meant I had to change the front cover so that it would be recognised by the advert readers. I also preferred the idea of having six panels rather than four. The same principles of having photos of the band remain and the colour scheme, but the layout is changed.

I have done a mock up of my digipack for the Destiny Band, however I may add two extra slides.
Front Cover
For the digipack album, the colours will be quite varied and vibrant, particularly on the front cover. The front cover will have a bent diamond shape in the centre with its corners touching the edge of the cover. The lead singer will be the main subject in the front cover with the stage and the other band members in the background, but they will be blurred slightly because I plan to use a shallow depth of field to emphasize the band leader. I will probably adjust the colours using Adobe Photoshop. The title of the band will be placed in the centre of the cover in a handwritten italic style with soft yellow and drop shadows to make it stand out.
Underneath the title will be the Album name which I have named after the song I'll use: Father, what I consider their main song. The diamond shape will be defined by the contrast between the blue and the red tinted colours of the image.
The lead singer will be wearing a leather jacket, skinny jeans, no make-up but stylized hair (short back and sides) and will be performing with his guitar. The camera angle will be a direct mid shot with medium head room.
Inside Cover
On the inside as you turn the page, on the left side there will be the inside cover with a photographic image of the band performing live in more of a long shot taken from partially behind the audience. The lighting will be an atmospheric green coming from the over heads whilst the stage lights behind the band show red and white. The lead singer will be in the centre with clear shot of the other members around on stage all with a similar style, because it will give the band consistency
On the left will be a list of the tracks in a white serif font under bullet points in a column.The white font will contrast well when that side of the photograph is dimmed. The Destiny Band title will be put in the bottom right hand corner.
CD Compartment
For this, I will have a similar image to the front cover, but with four separate shots of the members of the band; keyboard player, bass player, singer and the drummer, most likely. The Destiny Band title will be in the centre and would be the same on the actual CD. The images that are split into four will have different tonal colours as are shown in the sketch. I will use dynamic shots, e.g. high or low angles on the performers for the image.
Back Cover
On the back will be a group photo with its edges edited and made darker with a red hue for atmosphere.
There will also be the bar code in the bottom right, the copyright text, plus the credited distribution and production company. The record label company logo will be in the bottom left.
The whole band will be wearing skinny jeans, styled hair, no make-up except female singers, only with a light make-up. Leather jacket, jumpers, t-shirts, etc. Anything the band chooses to wear.
The lead singer will be positioned at the end of the group photo.

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